微信支付不相识,笑问老外何处来? A Homecoming Vibe Check S01E08

The steep decline in the number of U.S. students there is just the tip of the iceberg during this dynamic shift between the world's two superpowers. The departure of foreign companies, a drop of international tourists, and the increasingly polarized discourse about foreigners all contribute to this trend, resulting in an ongoing exodus of expats from a country that once seemed warm to them.

Macroscopic consequences aside, there are tangible—and deeply painful—personal costs resulting from this rupture. Many of those in-betweeners were forced to leave behind the lives they had built, the languages they had picked up, the friendships they had forged, the communities they had cultivated, and an entire world they had settled into. On a broader scale, the land has become an increasingly opaque entity to the outside world, as those with firsthand experiences and the patience to navigate its intricacies are becoming growingly marginalized, both physically and culturally.

Ironically, the only way to (kind of) start processing what we've lost over these few years is to start talking about our collective loss of understanding. In this inaugural English episode of Planet Speakeasy, two friends who once spent a significant portion of their adult lives in China shared a candid discussion about their recent "homecoming" trip: the familiar, the confusing, the surprising, and the beautiful, chaotic youth in an elusive "home" that we all miss so very much.

今期行星酒馆,邀请到了两位外籍人士 Matt 和 Ling。 他们都曾定居中国,在这里度过大部分成年时光。几年间选择了离开的他们,在过去半年,先后回到中国短暂停留。借着两位朋友的「外宾」视角,我想聊聊重新踏上「故土」时经历的轶事和复杂的心情;也分享他们观察到的、这片土地所上发生的微妙变化。




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