两个酷儿媒体人从巴黎奥运开幕聊起 (ft. OutChina) S2E04



正如上文所言,这是一个同温层间的即兴对谈,情绪多有激动凌乱之处 —— 求真不求稳。如有冒犯,请一笑置之。

This is an emergency crossover podcast between Planet Speakeasy and OutChina. In this episode, two hosts exchanged a much-needed therapy session after observing Chinese Internet's massive homophobic backlash against some very BASIC queer imagery at the Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony. It's an hour of free-flowing thoughts, rants, and rambling. If you are triggered by the opening ceremony, you'll probably not gonna like this discussion either. Oh well :)



|与主播、嘉宾分享感兴趣的话题与感想,可ins私信或电邮 [email protected]

| 海外用户可在Patreon支持行星酒馆:https://www.patreon.com/planetspeakeasy


OutChina 电台是一档关于中国酷儿在全球流动性生活方式的播客节目。

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